Marketing Communications Coordinator

Silk Road Medical Inc.

A medical device company driven by the mission to safely deliver Transcarotid Artery Revascularization (TCAR) to patients to decrease the risk of stroke through a non-invasive procedure complemented with an intuitive medical device (developed in-house) used during the medical procedure.

Physician Milestone Social Media Template Re-design

Old template
New template

Implementation of milestone templates on social

The image below highlights the difference in overall cohesive branding that is achieved when a universal template is used compared to when there was a mix match of all different kinds of templates and the lack of quality control in image adjustments.

Heightened brand perception on overall social content

Kept the new template that was created for social, consistent for all future events and shoutouts ranging from interns, staff, and physicians highlighted.

3D Visualization of TCAR publication

Showcased TCAR Technique publication in an open brochure design to better engage with users on social media regarding what we were showcasing or launching.

SRM Webstore Refresh (Shopify)

Beginning with a desperate need to revamp and fully integrate the old webstore with the fulfillment locations we partnered with, our came the full-scale development of a new Shopify webstore for internal sales reps.

Reps needed a place to shop for the latest marketing materials while also being notified when their shipment was on its way. Shopify’s one-stop-shop service offerings included: API integration, automated tracking codes, and inventory triggers.

This was the perfect solution for the needs of the organization and the implementation of the PSD templates to showcase what reps were buying was the perfect final touch.

November 1, 2022


Researched various e-comm services and offerings. Based on the Shopify third-party integration flexibility, we decided to go with them as our
e-comm service provider.

November 1, 2022
December 1, 2022

Content overhaul

Set up the site, and relocated all the graphics and imagery from the old site to the new site. Integrated all of the product offerings along with proper AP numbers in the description to account for any document updates.

December 1, 2022
January 15, 2022

API integration testing

Once the site components were there, started setting up the site’s integration/communication with our company’s 2-factor authentification guidelines and loading in the account of each sales rep in the organization for easy sign-in.

January 15, 2022
February 1, 2022

Fullfilment site testing

Started the connection process between our site and our two fulfillment centers that housed and shipped most of our inventory.

February 1, 2022
April 1, 2022


After much testing, we launched our site to reps over the domestic U.S. and admin for everyday use.

April 1, 2022

Old Webstore Homepage

A look into the old site: The main problem with the custom-made original site was the excessive manual entry the site required to facilitate orders from the initial add-to-cart to the finish line(fulfillment site). Some orders had to be manually logged into a separate portal outside of the main page and translated to the fulfillment house due to the lack of API integrations being properly set up.

New Shopify Build Homepage

The new Shopify build allowed us to integrate full APIs directly with all of our fulfillment centers that housed all of our inventory. This gave us the opportunity to also update the overall look and feel of the site and its elements.

Included a heart feature as well for users to save some sales items for later when needed.

Old Sales Tools Page

The old site had a clunky UI, and before best practice was to just drop the PDF directly into the site. Visitors could not tell the difference between an informational card vs. a PDF due to how similar the images looked.

New Sales Tools Page

To save reps time, I integrated the use of 3D Photoshop templates with each piece of sales collateral, making it visually very clear what each item was. With the integration of a more intuitive drop-down menu and the tag feature on Shopify, reps were also able to find what they needed much easier.

Old Product Page

The old site had a lot of connectivity issues when it came to inventory numbers. It did not hold the capability to report on existing inventory so reps had no idea how much was left of a product before placing an order and things would go out of stock rather quickly.

New Product Page

Our new Shopify build had a lot of opportunities for customizing what data we wanted visible to reps along with it being very accurate in real time in terms of inventory stock level reporting. We also set up pings in the add-to-cart section to not over-order on certain high-demand documents to avoid out of stock as much as possible.